You just learnt the syntax of Lambda expressions
Simplest lambda expression could be
()-> system.out.println(" expression");
() is argument . Here we are passing no argument . So if there is no argument () is the way to define empty argument
system.out.println(" expression") is expression . Expression is nothing but the body of the lambda expression. Here arguments can be used in various body statements
For example
(a,b) is argument here . a+b is expression.
lambda expression are also called anonymous methods. Lambda expressions follow scala type of syntax .
Why do we need these?
These expression add functional edge to the language. Let's try to understand that with an example
Before that let me make an statement -
An interface having only one method is called functional interface.
You might have written anonymous class using Runnable ,ActionListener interface . For example :
Public class Engine {
public static void main(String args[]){
new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run()
int count=10
while (count>0){
in above code we are using Runnable interface an anonymous class.
How to replace anonymous class code with lambda expression ?
Public class Engine {
public static void main(String args[]){
new Thread(()->{
int count=10
while (count>0){
What is different here. new Runnable , public void run is not there is this code. But this works fine
This is done because compiler understand that Thread class implement Runnable interface and there is only one method run() in that class.
So to execute only method of interface We can straight away write the code without interface name and method name. So it seems like anonymous method. That's how we can use lambda expression to replace all anonymous class.
Let's take another example
public class Customer{
new ValidateCustomer() {
public boolean test(Customer cust) {
return cust.getCountry() == Customer.COUNTRY.US
&& cust.getPoint >= 10
In isCustomerValid method ValidateCustomer is anonymous class.
Now consider ValidateCustomer interface is like :
interface ValidateCustomer{
test(Customer cust);
This is functional interface. So we can use lambda expression for this just like below code
public class Customer{
(Customer cust) ->
cust.getCountry() == Customer.COUNTRY.US
&& cust.getPoint >= 10
So lambda expression is a good way to use functional anonymous method as an argument .