Friday, September 13

Adobe CQ support ,problems ,issues ,troubleshooting


SiteCatalyst integration troubleshooting issues

Adobe CQ and Sight catalyst

Integrating CQ with Site catalyst

Configuring Site catalyst with DAY CQ 



Adobe CQ integration with web service

create and deploy an Adobe CQ OSGi bundle that consumes a third-party web service

Create a CQ 5.5 application folder structure

Create a CQ 5.5 application Sample 

Create a template in Adobe CQ

Adobe CQ Create Component

Create the OSGi bundle that contains the Java proxy classes

OSGI Bundle and Adobe CQ

Query Builder API 

Adobe CQ and Query Builder API

CRX Query Builder 

OSGI Bundle and QUERY Builder API

AEM Query Builder API


Adobe Experience Manager API
Create an Adobe CQ application folder structure.  

Create a template on which the page component is based.  

Create a render component that uses the template.   

Setup Maven in your development environment. 

Create an Adobe CQ archetype project.  

Add Java files that use the Query Builder API to the the Maven project.  

Modify the Maven POM files. 

Build the OSGi bundle using Maven.  

Deploy the bundle to Adobe CQ. 

Add CSS and JQuery files to a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node. 

Modify the render component to invoke an OSGi operation that queries the JCR.  

Create a site that contains a page that lets a user search the AEM JCQ

Adobe CQ Tips and Tricks

Sidekick collapsed and I can't see the components anymore

Adobe CQ broken link

 Enable debugging on the Dispatcher

adobe CQ Dispatcher flushing issues

Adobe CQ caching issue

Dispatcher cache in CQ

apache Cache in CQ

Debugging dispatcher cache issue

Replication in Adobe 

CQ forward replication in Adobe CQ

reverse replication in adobe CQ

Replication issue

 Replication stuck 

Thursday, September 12

Troubleshooting Adobe/Day CQ issues


General issues faced while working with Adobe CQ , AEM adobe experience manager , Day CQ :

1. CQ jar file is not working 

2. quickstart.jar file not working 

3. CQ not starting 

4. Repository fails to start

5. CRX repository not starting with CQ 


6. Adobe CQ not working

7.configure the dispatcher to connect to CQ using HTTPS

8. Enable HTTPS support in the CQ servlet engine.

9. Connect Stunnel to the CQ'HTTPS port.

10. Enable HTTPS in CQ5 (CQ5.1 - CQ5.4)

11. Enable HTTPS in CQ5 (CQ5.5, CQ5.6)

12. null-resource-*.ser in Adobe CQ 

13. CQ performance tuning

14. TarPersistenceManager 

15. CRX 2.2 + hotfixpack

16. LDAP cache expiration

17.  AssetSynchronizationService 

18.  Link Checker in Adobe CQ 

19. CRX Clustering disable enable adobe CQ

20. Disable Content finder in adobe CQ

21. CRX throws out-of-memory 

22. double-clicking AEM Quickstart not working 

23. Old page version still showing

24. Sidekick not visible

25. unclosed JCR sessions

26. Adobe CQ5 Web Console

27. CQ 5.3: Workflow NullPointerException  

27.  Disk IO performance Adobe CQ

28. CQ ConcurrentModificationException

29 Adobe CQ Out of Memory

30. CQ fails to start up

31. Adobe CQ dispatcher flush issue

 32   Types of inconsistencies Adobe CQ   

 33 Search Index Consistency Check and Fix Adobe CQ  

  34 Workspace Persistence Manager Consistency Check and Fix Adobe CQ  

  35 Fixing Inconsistencies in a Cluster Adobe CQ 

   36 Fixing Inconsistencies Quickly Adobe CQ  

  37 Preventing Repository Corruptions Adobe CQ

38. Cache invalidation on dispatcher








Wednesday, September 11

Replication queue is blocked on Adobe/Day CQ5

Replication queue is blocked on Adobe/Day CQ5

ImpactAuthors are able to create and activate content, but the activated pages are not updated on the CQ5 publish instances. (Forward replication has issues) This means end users may see stale content. End users are able to update user related data  however they are not being replicated to Author instances, or different publisher instances have gone out of sync on  data. (Reverse replication has issues)


Adobe CQ facilitates the concept of managing content on publisher instance by creating/ modifying the content of author site and then replicating the same content on all publisher instances. It does not require server restart so replication in CQ is seamless and just in time. For replication process to work smoothly, It is must that replication infrastructure like queues and agents are functioning properly. Replication agents are configured and managed via Admin Console CQ

 Any content being activated from author site is not being replicated on publisher instances (in case of forward replication queues are blocked). Similarly any content changes on publisher are not being reverse replicated to Author (in case of reverse replication queues are blocked). So website users won’t be able to view updated content. Data among multiple instances can become out of sync depending on the instances between which queues are blocked.


The resolution is to make sure that the replication agents are fine and the blocked messages on queues are cleaned up.
• Go to the list of replication agents (/etc/replication/ Access replication agent console to view the list of agents.
• for each replication agent, do the following:       

1.    Make sure that the agent is enabled. For every replication agent status should display ‘enabled’ 

2.    Verify the connectivity with the publish instance by clicking on the "Test Connection" link; if it fails, make sure that on TCP network level, the server hosting the CQ author instance can connect to the port of the                publish instance

3.    Open the replication log via the "View Log" link and check when the last replication attempt was successful. Log should display content replication information like below logs. Response : 200 OK signifies the successful replication.
10.09.2013 14:36:50 - INFO - publish : Replication (ACTIVATE) of /content/dam.../pdfs/Draft.pdf successful.
10.09.2013 14:39:13 - INFO - publish : Creating content for page /content/dam/..../pdfs/Draft.pdf
10.09.2013 14:39:14 - INFO - publish : Sending POST request to https://
10.09.2013 14:39:14 - INFO - publish : sent. Response: 200 OK
4.    Make a note of first payload path in replication queue. Then try to clear the 1st element of the replication queue, and verify if the replication resumes. Once it resumes activate the first payload noted above in the queue again. Payload can be activated by right clicking on content on author site and selecting activate option.

5.    Check with the CRX Content Explorer that there is no /bin/receive node on the publish instance, otherwise delete it. This will ensure the failed replication clean up and content received on publisher will not be duplicated.
6.    Check with the CRX Content Explorer that there is no /bin/replicate node on the author instance, otherwise delete it. This will ensure the failed replication clean up and content available on author for replication will not be duplicated.
7.    In case the logs show no replication attempt since a few minutes, restart the replication bundle in the Felix console; if there's still no replication attempt in the replication logs then restart the Apache Sling Event Support bundle

1.    The content that has been activated above in Step 4 should be verified at Publisher as well as dispatcher.


Wednesday, September 4

Why to use System.nanoTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis()?

Why to use System.nanoTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis()?
System.currentTimeMillis() system dependent while System.nanoTime() is not .

What is the impact?

System.currentTimeMillis() evaluates milliseconds from January 1 , 1970 mid night (UTC) . there are certain times in the year when clock correction is made.

Let us consider a scenario

long start= System.currentTimeMillis();
// some more code
System.out.print("time taken"+ System.currentTimeMillis()-start );

Lets say long start= System.currentTimeMillis(); is executed at a moment and just after that clock is corrected

and System.out.print("time taken"+ System.currentTimeMillis()-start ); is evaluated after clock correction ,

 In this calculation correction made (Clock correction)is also considered and that will give wrong result .

So System.currentTimeMillis() should be avoided

nanoTime() has no starting time to be calculated from(reference point like 1970 in currentTimeMillies) neither it is system dependent So it has no impact of clock correction.

Wednesday, August 7

Sapient is hiring again !


Attention technologists in the financial, capital and commodities industry… Sapient Global Markets is on a recruitment spree! If you're interested in being a part of the future of technology in this domain, apply for our current openings at


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